How much pay do SRC Commissioners earn in Kenya? The details

Mandate and Functions

Mandate of the Commission

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission is one of the independent Commissions established by The Constitution of Kenya 2010; under Article 230 with the mandate to:

  1. Set and regularly review the remuneration and benefits of all state officers;  and
  2.  Advise the National and County Governments on the remuneration and benefits of all other public officers.

In performing its functions, the Commission shall take the following principles into account:-

  1. The need to ensure that the total public compensation bill is fiscally sustainable;
  2. The need to ensure that public services are able to attract and retain the skills required to execute their functions;
  3. The need to recognize productivity and performance; and
  4. Transparency and fairness.

Functions of the Commission

  1. Inquire into and advise on the salaries and remuneration to be paid out of public funds;
  2. Keep under review all matters relating to the salaries and remuneration of Public Officers;
  3. Advise the national and county governments on the harmonization, equity and fairness of remuneration for the attraction and retention of requisite skills in the public sector;
  4. Conduct comparative surveys on the labour markets and trends in remuneration to determine the monetary worth of the jobs of Public Officers;
  5. Determine the cycle of salaries and remuneration review upon which Parliament may allocate adequate funds for implementation;
  6. Make recommendations on matters relating to the salary and remuneration of a particular State or Public Officer;
  7. Make recommendations on the review of pensions payable to holders of Public Offices; and
  8. Perform such other functions as may be provided by the Constitution or any other written law.

Membership of the Commission

The Commissioners are appointed by nomination from the following bodies, Parliamentary Service Commission, Judicial Service Commission, Senate on behalf of the county Government and the Defence Council. The other members include one person each nominated by an umbrella body representing trade unions; an umbrella body representing employers; and a joint forum of professional bodies as provided by legislation. In addition one person each nominated by the Cabinet Secretary responsible for finance; the Attorney-General; and one person who has experience in the management of human resources in the public service, nominated by the Cabinet Secretary responsible for public service.

As a Constitutional Commission the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has the objects and authority as provided under Article 249 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, namely  to:-

  1. Protect the sovereignty of the people
  2. Secure the observance by all State organs of the democratic values  and principles; and
  3. Promote constitutionalism.

In carrying out its functions, the Constitution provides under Article 249 (2) that the Commission is:

  1. Subject only to the constitution and the law; and
  2. Independent and not subject to the direction or control by any person or authority

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission is a part-time Commission is keen to embed the principle of equal remuneration to persons for work of equal value.

So, How Much Do SRC Commissioners Earn?

In a bid to cripple the operations of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission for having filed a case to stop the house allowance, which Parliamentary Service Commission paid the MPs, Parliament has employed various strategies to cow SRC.

One of the strategies has to spread information that SRC Commissioners earn KES. 1 million in basic pay and KES. 320,000 in house allowance. The MPs claimed that SRC Commissioners have multiple cars at their disposal and earn Ksh 50,000 sitting allowance for each meeting they attend. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The true position is as follows: the SRC Commissioners, just like other State Officers, are on a consolidated pay of Ksh 765,188 for the Chairperson, and Ksh 650,000 for members of the Commission as published in the Kenya Gazette Vol. CXIX-No 89, Gazette Notice No. 6519 of July 2017. The Commission operates on a full time basis, thus the Commissioners are not entitled to and are not paid any sitting allowance.

Source: SRC

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