Various accredited universities offer Courses in Education for prospective students who want to be teachers. The universities have course specific requirements for the various Arts and Sciences courses. They also offer various teaching subjects combinations. Here are the Education courses offered at the Catholic University Of Eastern Africa (CUEA) and links to their application portals:
The university offers a wide range of education courses in its Faculty of Education.FACULTY OF EDUCATION
Bachelor of Education – Arts (Regular and Part-time) with the following combinations: – Business Studies / Geography – History / Christian Religious Education – English / Literature in English – History / Geography – Kiswahili / History – Kiswahili / Geography – Kiswahili / Christian Religious Education – English / Christian Religious Education (non-Kenyans) Bachelor of Education – Science (Regular and Part-time) with the following Combinations: – Mathematics / Geography – Mathematics / Business Studies – Geography / Physics – Geography / Chemistry – Physics / Chemistry – Chemistry / Biology – Mathematics / Physics – Mathematics / Chemistry – Physics / Biology – Computer Studies / Mathematics Entry Requirements for Undergraduate/Bachelor’s Degree Programs – KCSE holders must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (plus). – Advanced Certificate of Education GCE or A-levels applicants must have at least 2 principal passes and one subsidiary pass or its equivalent and must have passed in subjects related to the course applied for. – Diploma or professional certificate in a relevant discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate. – Advanced Diploma in a relevant field, applicant must have an ordinary Diploma from a recognized institution. – Pre-University certificate with a mean of C+ (plus) and above from a recognized institution, and must have scored a C in KCSE or its equivalent. -Bachelor of Education applicants must have a minimum grade of C+ (plus) in the subjects at KCSE or a principle pass in A-levels or its equivalent. -Bachelor of Education applicants with P1 Certificate or Diploma in a relevant area of study. Non-Kenyans – Must have satisfied the minimum University entry requirement in their country and meet departmental requirements for the subjects applied for.. – Candidates from non-English speaking countries should demonstrate proficiency in written and spoken English or undertake certificate in English course.Also read:
- Kisii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kenya Methodist University, kemu, Education and other Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kibabii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Karatina University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kabaraki University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Education courses offered at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, JOOUST, University:Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- UUiversities that offer education courses, teaching combinations, offered, requirements and how to apply for Chuka university courses
- List of all programmes and requirements: CUEA Academic Programmes
- Students’ Portal: Students Portal Log in
- University online services: CUEA Students online services
- Admissions portal: