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Teacher Professional Development, TPD, Course at KEMI

Teacher Professional Development, TPD, Course at KEMI.

Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) is a Management Development Institute that serves as the Capacity Building Agency of the Ministry of Education. KEMI is mandated under Legal Notice No. 19/2010 to undertake leadership and management training, research, and consultancy in the education sector.

The Teachers Service Commission has accredited KEMI to provide Teacher Professional Development (TPD) program to registered Teachers in Public and Private Primary and Secondary Schools, Trainers in tertiary institutions as well as Instructional Leaders in the public and private institutions. The overall objective of the TPD program is to professionalize teaching by continuously developing and improving teachers’ skills, competencies, and knowledge in line with the 21st Century core competencies aimed at enhancing the provision of quality education.

TPD refers to life-long teacher learning and comprises the full range of educational experiences designed to enrich teachers’ professional knowledge, understanding, and application of the concept throughout their teaching career.

TPD program will afford Kenyan teachers global compliance to acceptable standards as with other professions.

What is TPD?
TPD refers to life-long teacher learning and comprises the full range of educational experiences designed to enrich teachers’ professional knowledge, understanding, and application of the concept throughout their teaching career. The TPD programme will afford Kenyan teachers global compliance to acceptable standards as with other professions.
TPD training content is based on the Seven (7) Kenya Professional Teaching Standards (KePTS).
The standards define the work of Kenyan teachers in the context of the 21st century learning, by setting high quality and effective teaching expectations that are meant to improve overall learners’ achievement.
KePTS are meant to provide a consistent and supportive framework for measuring effectiveness of Teachers and Instructional leaders against specific competency indicators.
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