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Presser: Energy Regulatory Commission reduces electricity costs for small scale consumers


The Energy Regulatory Commission of Kenya, ERC, has today reviewed electricity cost for Small Scale Consumers. See details on the new rates per unit and effective date in the presser, below:

“The Energy Regulatory Commission is mandated to review and adjust retail electricity tariffs pursuant to Section 6 (i) and Section 45 of the Energy Act 2006.

To address these concerns, the Commission is hereby pleased to release the revised tariffs for the Domestic Customers and the Small Commercial customers

The Energy Regulatory Commission announced new applicable tariffs for TCP 2018/19 effective that reduced the lifeline threshold from 50kWh to 10kWh and removed the fixed charges for all the customer categories.

The Commission has also put into consideration the views of public on power bills post July 2018 review. To this effect, the Commission has considered those view and made further amendments to the Domestic and Small Commercial consumers.

With the threshold for the lifeline category set at 100kWh, the Commission has been able to capture 91.73% of the domestic customers hence covering all the low income households according to the statistics from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.

The Commission has however maintained the charge rate for the Domestic Ordinary customers consuming above 100kWh, hence this customer category will not have any change in their current bills.

For the Small Commercial Category of Customers, and in the spirit of promoting small and medium enterprises by creating a conducive environment for business, the Commission has reclassified the Small Commercial Category into two distinct categories. i.e

1. SC1- Small Commercial Category of consumers consuming less than 100kWh in a month. The energy charge rate for this customer category has been reduced from the current Kshs 15.60/kWh to KShs 10.00/kWh. These Small Commercial customers will enjoy 31% decline in their bills.

2. SC2- Small Commercial Category of consumers consuming more than 100kWh in a month. For this category, the Commission has maintained the charge rates at the current prevailing rates.

The new tariffs take effect from 1st November 2018.”

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