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Knec invites 2023 KCPE, KCSE Examiners for Marking; Apply online here

The Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec, has invited examiners for this year’s KCPE and KCSE marking exercise. Here is the Knec Circular and details:

1.0 The Kenya National Examinations Council invites Examiners for the 2023 marking exercise as follows:

1.1 KCPE Examiners – from 16th October, 2023;
1.2 KCSE Examiners – from 1st November, 2023.

3.0 Examiners concerned are required to:-

3.1 Access KNEC Contracted Professionals Website using the link: and log in using their username and password. Those who have forgotten their passwords should click on reset password button to enter their mobile numbers in the format (2547********) and submit to receive a new password for logging into the system;

3.2 Upon successful login, complete their personal information and save. Using the dashboard provided, access, download, print and read the invitation letters and the Marking Instructions. Further instructions on acceptance and rejection of marking offer are give in the invitation letter.

4.0 For further details, contact any of the following:-

4.1 Telephone numbers: 0800724900, 0800721410, 0796975132, 0796975104;

4.2 Email addresses: and

The Kenya National Examinations Council
P.O. Box 73598 00200, Nairobi, Kenya

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