The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has transferred a total of 226 Principals countrywide. The Principals will now report to new stations in 2025. The transferred Principals are part of the 14,613 transfers effected by the teachers’ employer in December 2024.
Via a memo sent to all TSC County and Sub County Directors, all the transfer letters have been dispatched and are ready for collection.
“Following the Board’s (TSC Transfer Committee) approval for the transfers of Principals, December, 2024 all transfer letters have been emailed to you (County and Sub County Directors)” reads a memo from the Commission; in part.
Also read: TSC list of transferred 14,613 Principals & Teachers in 2025
The TSC field officers have been asked to ensure that all Principals receive their letters. They will also oversee the handing-taking over exercises at the affected schools which will be done before schools reopen for first term. The officers will be exepected to complete the exercise by 1st January, 2025.
In Kakamega County, a total of 20 Principals have been transferred. Silungai Secondary School in Kakamega North Sub County will have Mr. Jonathan Abel (from Hillario Wakhonye Secondary School) as the new Principal after the transfer of Mr. James Masinde Gilbert.
Solyo Secondary School’s Principal Lugonzo Anthony has been transferred and his place will be taken by Onyango George.
Here is the full list of all the transferred Principals: