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Form Two Updated Latest Schemes of Work For English

Latest, Updated form 2 English Schemes of Work





  1. Secondary English Student’s Book 2
  2. Teacher’s Guide Book 2
  5 Word Study Building vocabulary By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the meaning of words and be able to use them correctly

Filling gaps

Gap filling

Discussing the vocabulary





Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 9-10

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Grammar Collective noun By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the collective nouns correctly

Discussing the collective nouns Charts


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 6-7

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

2 1 Writing Punctuation marks – hyphen By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to use the hyphen correctly

Discussing the use of punctuation marks

Writing sentences with punctuation marks

Sample sentences



Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 39-41

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Listening And Speaking Listening and speaking

Silent Letters

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Identify the silent letters in words given

-Read words with silent letters aloud






Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 11-12

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Study Skills Skimming By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

– Skim through the given passage and answer questions from it correctly



Writing answers

Excerpts of plays



Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 139-141

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Reading Reading comprehension

The Money Doubler


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Discussing oral questions

Writing answers


Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 25-27

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Word Study Building vocabulary By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Use given words from the passage to fill in a crossword puzzle

Gap filling Crossword puzzle




Secondary English Bk 2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Grammar Compound nouns By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to form compound words from a given list of words

Discussing the formation of compound nouns

Writing compound nouns


Sample compound nouns Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 8-9

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

3 1 Writing Punctuation marks – apostrophe By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Tell the different uses of an apostrophe when asked to do so

Show the symbol of an apostrophe (’)

Discussing the use of punctuation marks

Writing sentences



Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 40

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Listening And Speaking Stress By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Use stress differently to bring out a difference in meaning

-Underline the stressed syllables in words according to the way they are used in sentences


Discussing oral questions

Speaking Writing





Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 31-33

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Study Skills Telephone etiquette By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate awareness of Telephone etiquette

Conduct s telephone conversation using etiquette

Listening  to a conversation

Discussing the Telephone etiquette

Audio tapes


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 129-130

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Reading Reading comprehension

Celebrating Our Gender

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Discussing oral questions

Writing answers

Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 34-36

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Grammar Phrasal quantifiers By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate the knowledge of  Phrasal quantifiers


Writing Phrasal quantifiers




Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 17-19

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Writing Using figurative language By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to use figurative language in writing or speaking

Discussing the use of figurative language

Writing paragraphs with

Resource person


Secondary English Bk 2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

4 1 Listening And Speaking Words Often Mispronounced By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Identify the words that are often mispronounced

-Write them down correctly in phonetic transcription









Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 22-23

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Oral Skills Pronunciation of /p/ and /b/ By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Practice and correctly pronounce /p/ and /b/

Give different examples of words that have /p/ and /b/  pronunciation

Listening to the sounds /p/ and /b/ Audio tapes



Secondary English Bk 2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Reading Reading  comprehension

World Environment Day

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Discussing oral questions

Writing answers

Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 45-47

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Grammar Possessives By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify possessives correctly in sentences

Identify various uses of possessive forms

Reading notes about possessives

Gap filling



Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 36-37

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Grammar Number  and person By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate ability to understand use of number and pronouns correctly


Reading sentences

Discussing different types of pronouns

Writing sentences using pronouns

Sample sentences



Secondary English Bk 2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Writing Invitation letters By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Write invitation letters using the correct format


Reading letters

Writing invitation letters

Sample letters


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 19-21

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2


5 1 Study Skills Group discussion application


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Talk about the role of the society in shaping a child’s behavior

Discussing in groups the role of the society in shaping a child’s behavior


Video tapes  

Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 1-2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2/3 Reading Reading comprehension

Who Will Speak Out?

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Discussing the questions gives

Writing answers

Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 14-17

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Word Study Building vocabulary By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

give the meanings of words and use them to write sentences

know the spellings of each of the vocabulary words learned

apply the vocabulary learned in class in normal day life situations

reading vocabulary

discussing the meanings of new words





Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 1-2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Grammar Personal pronouns By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the use of Personal pronouns correctly

Gap filling





Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 47-50

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Writing Descriptive writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Practice the skill of Descriptive writing

Reading a passage

Writing a descriptive essay

Excerpts of summaries


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 50-51

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

6 1 Listening And Speaking Features of a legend By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Listen to a legend on Luanda Magere and respond to given questions

Identify features of a legend

Identify the themes in legends


Listening to legends

Discussing features of legends

Resource person


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 74-75

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Oral Skills Different but Similar-sounding Words By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Pronounce words with similar sounds correctly in order to distinguish between them

-Differentiate between the spellings of words with similar sounds


Listening to the teacher

Articulating the words


Audio tape





Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 52-53

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Study Skills Note taking By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Take notes effectively using content words


Reading a passage

Discussing steps in note taking

Note taking

Pre-listening skills


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 75-76

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Reading Reading comprehension

Effects Of Alcohol

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Discussing the given question

Writing new words

Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 55-56

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Study skills Using the Library By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Use the card catalogue correctly

-Identify the call number in the card

-Search a particular book in the shelves accurately


Visiting the library

Listening to the librarian

Searching for a book in the shelves




Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 43-44

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Grammar Indefinite pronouns By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify Infinite pronouns and use them correctly in sentences

Answer any exercise given on Infinite pronouns

Dive examples of Infinite pronouns


Reading notes in the text books

Discussing the use of pronouns

Writing sentences


Flash cards

Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 57-59

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

7 1 Grammar Indefinite pronouns with possessive case By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify Indefinite pronouns and give their  possessive case

Identify Indefinite pronouns in a sentence using Indefinite pronouns with possessive case charts


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 1-2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Writing Descriptive writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the language used in a descriptive paragraph based on sight

Use different skills in order to make his/her work as interesting as possible

Use adjectives to describe objects, smell and subjects


Writing a descriptive passage

Sample composition


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 60

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Listening And Speaking Intonation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Use intonation appropriately

– Differentiate between rising and falling intonation

Listening comprehension




Audio tapes



Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 44

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2



8 1 Study Skills Group discussion and application By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Study idiomatic expressions used in the passage and use them correctly in sentences

Reading idiomatic expressions

Discussing the use of idiomatic expressions

Writing idiomatic expressions


Video tape


Secondary English Bk 2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Writing Creative writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Discuss the elements of a good imaginative composition

-Write a good imaginative composition


Discussing oral questions

Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 71-73

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Reading Reading comprehension

How I survived Drug Abuse

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage  and respond to questions based on it  Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension in the question in the text book Pre-reading activities Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 77-79

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Grammar Modal auxiliaries By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify Modal auxiliaries and use them correctly in sentences

Listening to the explanation

Discussing Modal auxiliaries

Writing sentences

Using Modal auxiliaries

Sample sentences


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 68-71

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Listening and speaking Legends By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Listen to a passage on legend and answer the questions correctly

Identify features of legends shown in the passage from it

Listening comprehension

Discussing the features of legends

Writing down notes about legends


Sample paragraphs


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 74-75

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Writing Descriptive writing


An event

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to write a strong description of an event

Discussing the event

Writing a composition

Sample paragraphs


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 60

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

9 1 Study Skills Note-taking By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Identify dos and don’ts of taking notes

-Demonstrate the ability to take notes effectively from the teacher’s lesson




Sample notes


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 75-77

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Reading Poetry-  Writing Short Poems By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate the understanding of the poem and respond to questions on it

Reading poems

Writing short poems


Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 82-84

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Reading Reading  comprehension

Turn The Pointing Finger

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Discussing the comprehension question

Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 88-90

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Writing Descriptive writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify sense of taste to descriptive writing and write a paragraph based on sense of taste

Write a descriptive based on sense of taste Sample paragraphs Secondary English Bk 2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5/6 Revision   By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Revise the terms work


Secondary English Bk 2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2



10 1 Word Study Building vocabulary By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Consolidate a number of vocabulary and use it in sentences correctly

Reading vocabulary

Discussing ways of consolidating the vocabulary

Dictionary Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 1-2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Grammar Perfective aspect By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify Perfective aspect and use it correctly in sentences

Gap filling

Discussing the use of Perfective aspect


Charts Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 79-82

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Writing Descriptive writing


Sense of hearing

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the importance of sense of hearing in descriptive writing and write a paragraph based on it

Reading a descriptive essay

Discussing the importance of the sense of hearing

Writing a descriptive essay

Sample paragraph Secondary English Bk 2

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Listening And Reading Listening  comprehension By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading dialogue

Discussing the issues raised in the dialogue


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 103

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Study Skills Studying a poem By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Read and show understanding of a given poem ‘the dawn’

Show the aspects of poem i.e. styles, themes, persona, rhyme & rhythm, mood & tone

Answer any question on poetry

Reading poems

Discussing issues raised in the poem

Notes on east African poetry by Austin Bukenya


Understanding Poetry By Ezekiel Alembi


  6 Reading Reading comprehension

Human Rights

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Discussing oral questions

Writing answers to the questions

Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 116-117

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

11 1 Grammar Progressive aspect By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the correct forms of  progressive aspect and use them in sentences

Gap filling Flash cards


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 90-93

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Writing Writing a poem By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to write short poems on familiar topics such as nature

Reading notes about writing poems

Writing poems

Sample poems


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 93-95

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Listening And Speaking Songs By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Sing a song that they like most

-Explain why they like the song

-Say when and who sang the song







Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 96-97

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Study Skills Interpretive Reading By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Read given passage or poem  and demonstrate ability to bring out the rhythms, the intonations, the tone variations and the meanings that were intended by the author

Reading  the passage aloud



Sample passage

Sample poem


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 97-99

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Reading Reading comprehension

Kenyatta Finally Released

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Discussing oral questions

Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 124-127

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Oral Skills Reading aloud By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Read the poem ‘come, my mother’s sons and use gestures and intonation to add meaning to it

Read the words correctly obeying the punctuation marks

Lay stress on words where necessary

Answer any questions give to him/her to attempt

Understand all the vocabulary words used in the lesson

Reading a poem aloud

Discussing the use of  gesture


Reading excerpts  

Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 172

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

12 1 Grammar Future time By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the different ways of expressing Future time and use them correctly in sentences

Reading notes

Discussing the Future time

Sample sentences


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 101-103

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  2 Writing Dialogues By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Write a good conversation

-Act it out in class

Writing a dialogue

Acting it out in class


Video samples of dialogues



Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 103-104

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  3 Oral Skills Silent letters By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify silent letters in given words

Reading silent letters

Gap filling

Spelling drill




Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 33-34

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  4 Listening And Speaking Rhyme By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Define rhyme correctly

_Identify rhyme in a given poem correctly

Reading comprehension

Discussing the use of sign language

Audio tapes



Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 104-105

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  5 Reading Reading comprehension

A Change In The Role Of The Family

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

· Read the passage silently

· Answer questions on the passage correctly.

· Use the vocabulary in the passage correctly in sentences


Reading comprehension

Writing new words


Pre-reading activities


Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 132-134

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

  6 Study skills Note-making By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Identify the main points in the passage “Hairdressers’ Health Care” correctly

-Follow the given steps in note-making by the teacher correctly







Secondary English Bk 2 Pg 106-108

Secondary English Teacher’s Guide Bk 2

13                                    END TERM ONE EXAMS, MARKING AND CLOSING






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