Here is a list of the latest Board Of Management, BOM, job vacancies:
- Sigoti Complex Girls’ Secondary school; in Sondu (Nyanza Region):
- Kiswahili
- English
- Business Studies
- Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Mathematics
- History/ Geography/ C.R.E
- Agriculture
- Home Science
- Music
Send your application by 14/12/2018, to: The Secretary B.O.M Sigoti Complex Girls' Secondary school P.O Box 82- 40109, Sondu. successful applicants will be notified by 27th December, 2018.
- St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School- Gitare; in Gilgil, Nakuru County- Kenya:
- Computer/ English
- Biology/ Chemistry
- History/ CRE
- Geography/ Business studies
Details applications to be sent via E-mail to by Friday, 14th December 2018. The applications should be addressed to: The Secretary, Board of Management St. Josephine Bakhita secondary school, P.O Box 699- 20116, Gilgil, Kenya. Interviews will be conducted before the end of December, 2018. Successful candidates will be engaged on BOM terms in January, 2019.
- Nairobi North Learners Christian academy; Githurai Kimbo next to Ediana Hospital:
- Pre- School teacher
- Primary school teacher
- Secretary.
Applications to reach the office by 7/11/2018. For more information, contact: 0715 716 244/ 0728 448 434
- Ncoroiboro Mixed Day Secondary School, Ruiru in Meru County:
- Maths/ Business
- Chemistry/ Biology
- English/ Literature.
Applications to reach the school by 30th November, 2018. Mr. Justin Mugambi, Secretary B.O.M Phone: 0721 711 735
- Majembeni Secondary School, Mpeketoni:
- Physics/ Chemistry or Physics/ Mathematics
- English/ Literature
- History/ Kiswahili
- Business S./ History.
Applications to reach the school by 30th November, 2018. Apply to: The Secretary, Board of Management, Majembeni Secondary School. P.O Box 38- 80503 Mpeketoni. or Via E-mail:
- Matungulu Girls Secondary School, Tala:
- School Nurse
- School Driver
Qualified candidates to send application letters, Certificates, testimonials and recent Curriculum Vitae, CV, by 16/11/2018. Apply to: The Secretary, Board of Management, Matungulu Girl's School, P.O Box 32- 90131. Tala
- Kwale Girls’ Secondary school:
- Computer/ Maths/ business/ Geography
- History/ CRE
- Biology/ Chemistry
- English/ Literature.
Applications should reach the secretary BOM on or Before, 23/11/2018. Interviews will be held on thursday, 29th November, 2018. Send applications to: The secretary, Board of Management Kwale Girls High School, P.O Box 87- 80403 Kwale.
- Kinango Boys’ secondary school:
- Maths/ Chemistry
- Biology/ chemistry
- English/ Literature
- Business studies/ Geography
- History/ CRE
Applications to reach the school by 14th november, 2018. Send Applications to: The B.O.M Secretary, Kinango Boys' Secondary School, P.O Box 9- 80405, Kinango.
- S.A kolanya Boys High School, malakisi:
- Music/ any other
- French/ any other
Applications in own handwriting to reach the School by 24th November, 2018. Applications to be sent to: E-mail: Successful applicants will be invited for interviews to be held on 30/11/2018
- St. John Horizon Schools;
- Biology/ Agriculture
- Biology/ Chemistry
- Kiswahili/ History
- Mathematics/ Business
- Mathematics/ Physics
Applications to be made by 31st December 2018 to; Email-
- Jila Secondary Schoo, Kilifi
- Eng/ Lit Teacher
- Bio/ Agriculture Teacher
- Accounts Clerk
- Lab Technician
- Store Keeper
- Cooks
- Security Officers
Interested Candidates to submit their handwritten applications not later than 14/12/2018, to; The Secretary, Board of Management, Jila Secondary School, P.O Box, 1225- 80108, Kilifi.
Having a vacancy to advertise? Advertise free with us by sending details to our email address: