{"id":28825,"date":"2024-12-13T06:46:07","date_gmt":"2024-12-13T03:46:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/?p=28825"},"modified":"2024-07-03T21:39:33","modified_gmt":"2024-07-03T18:39:33","slug":"introduction-to-chemistry-notes-updated-editable","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/introduction-to-chemistry-notes-updated-editable\/","title":{"rendered":"INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY NOTES- UPDATED & EDITABLE"},"content":{"rendered":"
Introduction to chemistry<\/strong><\/p>\n Chemistry is a branch of Science. Science is basically the study of living and non-living things. The branch of science that study living things is called Biology.The branch of science that study non-living things is called Physical Science.Physical Science is made up of:<\/p>\n (i)Physics- the study of matter in relation to energy<\/p>\n (ii)Chemistry- the study of composition of matter.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Chemistry is thus defined as the branch of science that deals with the structure composition, properties and behavior of matter.<\/p>\n Basic Chemistry involves studying:<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (a)States\/phases of matter<\/strong><\/p>\n Matter is anything that has weight\/mass<\/strong> and occupies space\/volume.<\/strong>Naturally, there are basically three<\/strong> states of matter.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (i) Solid<\/strong>-e.g. soil, sand, copper metal ,bucket, ice.<\/p>\n (ii)Liquid-<\/strong>e.g water, Petrol, ethanol\/alcohol, Mercury(liquid metal).<\/p>\n (iii)gas- <\/strong>e.g. Oxygen, Nitrogen ,Water vapour.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A solid is made up of particles which are very closely packed. It thus has a definite\/fixed shape and fixed\/definite volume\/occupies definite space. It has a very high density.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A liquid is made up of particles which have some degree of freedom. It thus has no definite\/fixed shape.It takes the shape of the container it is put. A liquid has fixed\/definite volume\/occupies definite space.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A gas is made up of particles free from each other. It thus has no definite\/fixed shape. It takes the shape of the container it is put. It has no fixed\/definite volume\/occupies every space in a container.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (b) Separation of mixture<\/strong><\/p>\n A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that can be separated by physical means. Simple methods of separating mixtures at basic chemistry level include<\/p>\n (i)Sorting\/picking-<\/strong>this involve physically picking one pure substance from a mixture with another\/other. e. g. sorting maize from maize beans mixture.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (ii)Decantation-<\/strong>this involve pouring out a liquid from a solid that has settled\/sinking solid in it. e. g. Decanting water form sand.<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n (iii)Filtration<\/strong>-this involves sieving \/passing particles of a mixture through a filter containing small holes that allow smaller particle to pass through but do not allow bigger particle to pass through.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (iv)Skimming-<\/strong>this involve scooping floating particles. e.g. cream from milk<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (c) Metals and non-metals<\/strong><\/p>\n Metals are shiny,ductile(able to form wires),malleable(able to form sheet) and coil without breaking. e.g. Iron, gold, silver, copper. Mercury is the only liquid metal<\/strong> known.<\/p>\n Non-metals are dull, not ductile(do not form wires), not malleable(do not form sheet) and break on coiling\/brittle. e.g. Charcoal,\u00a0 Sulphur , plastics.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (d)Conductors and non-conductors<\/strong><\/p>\n A conductor is a solid that allow electric current to pass through. A non-conductor is a solid that do not allow electric current to pass through.<\/p>\n All metals conduct electricity. All non-metals do not conduct electricity except<\/u> carbon graphite<\/strong>.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (e)Drugs<\/strong><\/p>\n A drug is a natural or synthetic\/man-made substance that when taken changes\/alter the body functioning.A natural or synthetic\/man-made substance that when taken changes\/alter the abnormal body functioning to normal is called medicine<\/strong>. Medicines are thus drugs intended to correct abnormal body functions.. Medicines should therefore be taken on prescription<\/strong> and dosage<\/strong>.<\/p>\n Aprescription is a medical instruction to a patient\/sick on the correct type<\/u> of medicine to take and period\/time<\/u>\u00a0 between one intake to the other .<\/p>\n A dosage is the correct quantity<\/u> of drug required to alter the abnormal body function back to normal. This is called treatment<\/strong>.<\/p>\n It is the professional work of qualified doctors\/pharmacists to administer correctprescription and dosage of drugs\/medicine to the sick.<\/p>\n Prescription and dosage of drugs\/medicine to the sick\u00a0 use medical language.<\/p>\n \u00a0Example<\/strong><\/p>\n (i) 2\u00a0 x\u00a0 4<\/strong>;\u00a0 means \u201c2<\/strong>\u201d tablets for solid<\/strong> drugs\/spoon fulls for liquid<\/strong> drugs taken \u201c4<\/strong>\u201d times\u00a0 for a duration of one day\/24 hours\u00a0 and then repeated and continued until all the drug given is finished.<\/p>\n (ii) 1\u00a0 x\u00a0 2<\/strong>;\u00a0 means \u201c1<\/strong>\u201d tablets for solid<\/strong> drugs\/spoon fulls for liquid<\/strong> drugs taken \u201c2<\/strong>\u201d times\u00a0 for a duration of one day\/24 hours\u00a0 and then repeated and continued until all the drug given is finished.<\/p>\n Some drugs need minimal prescription and thus are available without pharmacist\/ doctor\u2019s prescription.They are called O<\/strong>ver T<\/strong>he C<\/strong>ounter(OTC) drugs.OTC drugs used to treat mild headaches, stomach upsets, common cold include:<\/p>\n (i) painkillers<\/p>\n (ii) anti acids<\/p>\n (iii) cold\/flu drugs.<\/p>\n All medicines require correct intake dosage. When a prescription dosage is not followed,this is called drug misuse\/abuse.<\/strong><\/p>\n Some drugs are used for other purposes other than that intended. This is called drug abuse<\/strong>.<\/p>\n Drug abuse is when a drug is intentionally used to alter the normal functioning of the body. The intentional abnormal function of the drug is to make the victim have false feeling of well being.<\/p>\n The victim lack both mental and physical coordination.<\/p>\n Some drugs that induce a false feeling of well being are illegal. They include heroin, cocaine, bhang, mandrax and morphine.<\/p>\n Some abused drugs which are not illegal include: miraa, alcohol, tobacco, sleeping pills.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The role of chemistry in society<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n (a)<\/strong>Chemistry is used in the following:<\/p>\n (i)Washing\/cleaning with soap:<\/u><\/p>\n Washing\/cleaning is a chemical process\u00a0 that involve jnteraction of water,soap and dirt so as to remove the dirt from a garment.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (ii)Understanding chemicals of life<\/u><\/p>\n Living thing grow, respire and feed. The formation and growth of cells involve chemical processes in living things using carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (iii)Baking:<\/u><\/p>\n Adding baking powder to dough and then heating in an oven involves\u00a0 interactions that require understanding of chemistry.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (iv)Medicine:<\/u><\/p>\n Discovery,test ,prescription and dosage of drugs to be used for medicinal purposes require advanced understanding of chemistry<\/p>\n (v)Fractional distillation of crude oil:<\/u><\/p>\n Crude oil is fractional distilled to useful portions like petrol,diesel,kerosene by applying chemistry.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (vi)Manufacture of synthetic compounds\/substances<\/u><\/p>\n Large amounts of plastics,glass,fertilizers, insecticides, soaps, cements, are manufactured worldwide. Advanced understanding of the chemical processes involved is a requirement.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (vii)Diagnosis\/test for abnormal body functions.<\/u><\/p>\n If the body is not functioning normally,it is said to be sick\/ill.Laboaratory test are done to diagnose the illness\/sickness.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (b)<\/strong>The following career fields require Chemistry as one of subject areas of advanced\/specialized study:<\/p>\n (i)Chemical engineering\/chemical engineer<\/p>\n (ii)Veterinary medicine\/Veterinary doctor<\/p>\n (iii)Medicine\/Medical doctor\/pharmacist\/nurse<\/p>\n (iv)Beauty\/Beautician<\/p>\n (v)Teaching\/Chemistry teacher.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The School Chemistry Laboratory<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n Chemistry is studied mainly in a science room called a school chemistry laboratory<\/strong>.<\/p>\n The room is better ventilated than normal classroom. It has electricity, gas and water taps<\/strong>.<\/p>\n Aschool chemistry laboratory has a qualified professional whose called Laboratory technician\/assistant.<\/p>\n All students user in aschool chemistry laboratory must consult the Laboratory technician\/assistant for all their laboratory work.<\/p>\n A school chemistry laboratory has chemicals and apparatus.<\/p>\n A chemical is a substance whose composition is known. All chemical are thus labeled as they are.<\/p>\n This is because whereas physically a substance may appear similar, chemically they may be different.<\/p>\n All Chemicals which are not labeled should never be use.<\/p>\n Some chemicals are toxic\/poisonous, explosive, corrosive, caustic, irritants, flammable, oxidizing, carcinogenic, or radioactive.<\/p>\n Care should always be taken when handling any chemical which have any of the above characteristic properties.<\/p>\n Commonschool chemistry laboratory chemicals include:<\/p>\n (i)distilled water<\/p>\n (ii)Concentrated mineral acid which are very corrosive(on contact with skin they cause painful open wounds)<\/p>\n (iii)Concentrated alkali\/bases which are caustic(on contact with skin they cause painful blisters)<\/p>\n (iv)Very many types of salts<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The following safety guideline rules should be followed by chemistry laboratory users:<\/p>\n (i)Enter the laboratory with permission in an orderly manner without rushing\/pushing\/scrabbling.<\/p>\n (ii)Do not try unauthorized experiments. They may produce flammable, explosive or toxic substances that affect your health.<\/p>\n (iii)Do not taste any chemical in the laboratory. They may be poisonous.<\/p>\n (iv)Waft gas fumes to your nose with your palm.Do not inhale\/smell gases directly. They may be highly poisonous\/toxic.<\/p>\n (v)Boil substances with mouth of the test tube facing away from others and yourself. Boiling liquids spurt out portions of the hot liquid. Products of heating solids may be a highly poisonous\/toxic gas.<\/p>\n (vi)Wash with lots of water any skin contact with chemicals immediately.Report immediately to teacher\/laboratory technician any irritation,cut,burn, bruise or\u00a0 feelings arising from laboratory work.<\/p>\n (vii)Read and follow safety instruction.All experiments that evolve\/produce poisonous gases should be done in the open or in a fume chamber.<\/p>\n (viii)Clean your laboratory work station after use.Wash your hand before leaving the chemistry laboratory.<\/p>\n (ix)In case of fire, remain calm, switch of the source of fuel-gas tap. Leave the laboratory through the emergency door. Use fire extinguishers near the chemistry laboratory to put of medium fires. Leave strong fires wholly to professional fire fighters.<\/p>\n (x)Do not carry unauthorized item from a chemistry laboratory.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n An apparator \/apparatus are scientific tools\/equipment used in performing scientific experiments. The conventional apparator used in performing a scientific experiments is called standard <\/u><\/strong>apparator\/apparatus. If the conventional standard apparator\/apparatus is not available, an improvised<\/u><\/strong> apparator\/apparatus may be used in performing a scientific experiments. An improvised apparator\/apparatus is one used in performing a scientific experiment for<\/u><\/strong> a standardapparator\/apparatus. Most standard apparatus in a school chemistry laboratory are made of glass<\/strong> because:<\/p>\n (i)Glass is transparent\u00a0 and thus reactions \/interactions inside are clearly visible from outside<\/p>\n (ii)Glass is comparatively cheaperwhich reduces cost of equipping theschool chemistry laboratory<\/p>\n (iii)glass is comparatively easy to clean\/wash after use. <\/p>\n Apparatus are designed for the purpose<\/u> they are intended ina school chemistrylaboratory:<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (a)Apparatus for measuring volume<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Measuring cylinders are apparatus used to measure volume of liquid\/ solutions. They are calibrated\/graduated to measure any volume required to the maximum. Measuring cylinders are named according to the maximum calibrated\/graduated volume e.g.<\/p>\n \u201c10ml\u201d measuring cylinder is can hold maximum calibrated\/graduated volume of \u201c10mililitres\u201d \/\u201c10 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u201c50ml\u201d measuring cylinder is can hold maximum calibrated\/graduated volume of \u201c50mililitres\u201d \/\u201c50 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u201c250ml\u201d measuring cylinder is can hold maximum calibrated\/graduated volume of \u201c250mililitres\u201d \/\u201c250 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u201c1000ml\u201d measuring cylinder is can hold maximum calibrated\/graduated volume of \u201c1000mililitres\u201d \/\u201c1000 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n <\/p>\n 2.Burette<\/p>\n Burette is a long and narrow\/thin apparatus used to measure small accurate and exact volumes of a liquid solution. It must be clamped first on a stand before being used. It has a tap to run out the required amount out. They are calibrated\/graduated to run outsmall volume required to the maximum 50ml\/50cm3.<\/p>\n The maximum 50ml\/50cm3calibration\/graduation reading<\/u> is at the bottom<\/strong> .This ensure the amount run out<\/strong> from a tap below<\/strong> can be determined directly from burette reading<\/strong>before and after during volumetric analysis.<\/p>\n Burettes are expensive and care should be taken when using them.<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n 3.(i) Pipette<\/p>\n Pipette is a long and narrow\/thin apparatus that widens at the middle used to measure and transfer small very accurate\/exact volumes of a liquid solution.<\/p>\n It is open on either ends.<\/p>\n The maximum 25ml\/25cm3calibration\/graduation mark<\/u> is a visible ring<\/strong> on one thin end.<\/p>\n To fill a pipette to this mark, the user must suck up a liquid solution upto a level above the mark then adjust to the mark using a finger.<\/p>\n Thisrequire practice.<\/p>\n (ii)Pipette filler<\/p>\n Pipette filler is used to suck in a liquid solution into a pipette instead of using the mouth. It has a suck, adjust and eject button for ensuring the exact volume is attained. This requires practice.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n 4.Volumetric flask.<\/p>\n A volumetric flask is thin \/narrow but widens at the base\/bottom. It is used to measure very accurate\/exact volumes of a liquid solution.<\/p>\n The maximumcalibration \/graduation mark<\/u> is a visible ring.<\/strong><\/p>\n Volumetric flasks are named according to the maximum calibrated\/graduated volume e.g.<\/p>\n \u201c250ml\u201d volumetric flask\u00a0 has a calibrated\/graduated mark at exact volume of \u201c250mililitres\u201d \/\u201c250centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u201c1l\u201d volumetric flask\u00a0 has a calibrated\/graduated mark at exact volume of \u201cone litre\u201d \/\u201c1000 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u201c2l\u201d volumetric flask\u00a0 has a calibrated\/graduated mark at exact volume of \u201ctwo litres\u201d \/\u201c2000 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n A dropper\/teat pipette is a long thin\/narrow glass\/rubber apparatus that has a flexible rubber head.<\/p>\n A dropper\/teat pipette is used to measure very small amount\/drops of liquid solution by pressing the flexible rubber head.The number of drops\u00a0 needed are counted by pressing the rubber gently at a time<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (b)Apparatus for measuring mass<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n 1.Beam balance<\/p>\n A beam balance has a pan where a substance of unknown mass is placed. The scales on the opposite end are adjusted to \u201cbalance\u201d with the mass of the unknown substance. The mass from a beam balance is in grams<\/strong>.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n 2.Electronic\/electric balance.<\/p>\n An electronic\/electric balance has a panwhere a substance of unknown mass is placed.The mass of the unknown substance in grams<\/strong>is available immediately on the screen.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (c)Apparatus for measuring temperature<\/strong><\/p>\n A thermometer has alcohol or mercury trapped in a bulb with a thin enclosed outlet for the alcohol\/mercury in the bulb.<\/p>\n If temperature rises in the bulb, the alchohol \/mercury expand along the thin narrow enclosed outlet.<\/p>\n The higher the temperature,the more the expansion.<\/p>\n Outside, a calibration \/graduation correspond to this expansion and thus changes in temperature.<\/p>\n Athermometer therefore determines the temperature when the bulb is fully dipped in to the substance being tested. To determine the temperature of solid is thus very difficult.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (d)Apparatus for measuring time<\/strong><\/p>\n The stop watch\/clock is the standard apparatus for measuring time.Time is measured using hours, minutes and second.<\/p>\n Common school stop watch\/clock has start, stop and reset button for determining time for a chemical reaction.This require practice.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (e) Apparatus for scooping<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/u><\/p>\n A spatula is used to scoop<\/strong> solids which do not require accurate measurement. Both ends of the spatula can be used at a time.<\/p>\n A solid scooped to the brim<\/strong> is \u201cone spatula end full\u201dA solid scooped to halfbrim<\/strong> is \u201chalf spatula end full\u201d.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A deflagrating spoon is used to scoop<\/strong> solids which do not require accurate measurement mainly for heating. Unlike a spatula, a deflagrating spoon is longer.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (f) Apparatus for putting liquids\/solid for heating.<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n 1.Test tube.<\/p>\n A test tube is a narrow\/thin glass apparatus open on one side. The end of the opening is commonly called the \u201cthe mouth of the test tube\u201d.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A boiling\/ignition tube is a wide glass apparatus than a test tube open on one side. The end of the opening is commonly called the \u201cthe mouth of the boiling\/ignition tube\u201d.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Beaker is a wide calibrated\/graduated lipped glass\/plastic apparatus used for transferring liquid solution which do not normally require very accurate measurements<\/p>\n Beakersare named according to the maximum calibrated\/graduated volume they can hold e.g.<\/p>\n \u201c250ml\u201d beaker has a maximum calibrated\/graduated volume of \u201c250mililitres\u201d \/\u201c250 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u201c1l\u201d beaker has a maximum calibrated\/graduatedvolume of \u201cone litre\u201d \/\u201c1000 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u201c5 l\u201d beaker has a maximum calibrated\/graduated volume of \u201ctwo litres\u201d \/\u201c2000 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A conical flask is a moderately narrow glass apparatus with a wide base and no calibration\/graduation. Conical flasks thus carry\/holdexact volumes of liquids that have been measured using other apparatus. It can also be put some solids. The narrow mouth ensures no spirage.<\/p>\n Conical flasksare named according to the maximum volume they can hold e.g.<\/p>\n \u201c250ml\u201d Conical flaskshold a maximum volume of \u201c250mililitres\u201d \/\u201c250 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u201c500ml\u201d Conical flasks hold a maximum volume of \u201c500ml\u201d \/\u201c1000 cubic centimetres\u201d<\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n A round bottomed flask is a moderately narrow glass apparatus with a wide round base and no calibration\/graduation. Round bottomed flask thus carry\/hold exact volumes of liquids that have been measured using other apparatus. The narrow\/thin mouth prevents spirage. The flask can also hold (weighed) solids. A round bottomed flask must be held\/ clamped when in use because of its wide narrow base.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A flat bottomed flask is a moderately narrow glass apparatus with a wide round base with a small flat bottom. It has no calibration\/graduation.<\/p>\n Flat bottomed flask thus carry\/hold exact volumes of liquids that have been measured using other apparatus.The narrow\/thin mouth prevents spirage. They can also hold (weighed) solids.A flat bottomed flask must be held\/ clamped when in use because it\u2019s flat narrow base is not stable.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (g) Apparatus for holding unstable apparatus( during heating).<\/strong><\/p>\n 1.Tripod stand<\/p>\n A tripod stand is a three legged metallic apparatus which unstable apparatus are placed on (during heating).Beakers. conical flasks,round bottomed flask and flat bottomed flasks are placed on top of tripod stand (during heating).<\/p>\n 2.Wire gauze\/mesh<\/p>\n Wire gauze\/mesh is a metallic\/iron plate of wires crossings. It is placed on top of a tripod stand:<\/p>\n (i) ensure even distribution of heat to prevent cracking glass apparatus<\/p>\n (ii) hold smaller apparatus that cannot reach the edges of tripod stand<\/p>\n 3 Clamp stand<\/p>\n A clamp stand is a metallic apparatus which tightly hold apparatus at their \u201cneck\u201d firmly.<\/p>\n A clamp stand has a wide metallic base that ensures maximum stability. The heightand position of clamping is variable. This require practice<\/p>\n 4.Test tube holder<\/p>\n A test tube holder is a hand held metallic apparatus which tightly hold test\/boiling\/ignition tube at their \u201cneck\u201d firmly on the other end.<\/p>\n Some test tube holders have wooden handle that prevent heat conduction to the hand during heating.<\/p>\n A pair of tong is a scissor-like hand held metallic apparatus which tightly hold firmly a small solid sample on the other end.<\/p>\n 6.Gas jar<\/p>\n A gas jar is a long wide glass apparatus with a wide base.<\/p>\n It is open on one end. It is used to collect\/put gases.<\/p>\n This requires practice.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (h) Apparatus for holding\/directing liquid solutions\/funnels ( to avoid spirage).<\/strong><\/p>\n 1.Filter funnel<\/p>\n A filter funnel is a wide mouthed (mainly plastic) apparatus that narrow drastically at the bottom to a long extension.<\/p>\n When the long extension is placed on top of another apparatus, a liquid solution can safely be directed through the wide mouth of the filter funnel into the apparatus without spirage.<\/p>\n Filter funnel is also used to place a filter paper during filtration.<\/p>\n 2.Thistle funnel<\/p>\n A thistle funnel is a wide mouthed glass apparatus that narrow drastically at the bottom to a very long extension.<\/p>\n The long extension is usually drilled through a stopper\/cork.<\/p>\n A liquid solution can thus be directed into a stoppered container without spirage<\/p>\n A dropping funnel is a wide mouthed glass apparatus with a tap that narrow drastically at the bottom to a very long extension.<\/p>\n The long extension is usually drilled through a stopper\/cork.<\/p>\n A liquid solution can thus be directed into a stoppered container without spirage at the rate determined by adjusting the tap.<\/p>\n A separating funnel is a wide mouthed glass apparatus with a tap at the bottom narrow extension.<\/p>\n A liquid solution can thus be directed into a separating funnel without spirage. It can also safely be removed from the funnel by opening the tap.<\/p>\n It is used to separate two or more liquid solution mixtures that form layers\/immiscibles. This requires practice.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (h) Apparatus for heating\/Burners<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n Any flammable fuel when put in a container and ignited can produce some heat.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n 2.Bunsen burner<\/p>\n The Bunsen burner is the standard<\/strong> apparatus for heating in a Chemistry school laboratory.<\/p>\n It was discovered by the German Scientist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen in1854.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (a<\/strong>)Diagram of a Bunsen burner<\/u><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/u><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/u><\/p>\n A Bunsen burner uses butane\/laboratory gas as the fuel. Thebutane\/laboratory gas is highly flammable and thus usually stored safely in a secure chamber outside\u00a0 Chemistry school laboratory. It is tapped and distributed into the laboratory through gas pipes.<\/p>\n The gas pipes end at the gas tap on a chemistry laboratory bench .If opened the gas tap releasesbutane\/laboratory gas.Butane\/laboratory gas has a characteristic odour\/smell that alerts leakages\/open gas tap.<\/p>\n The Bunsen burner is fixed to the gas tap using a strong rubber tube.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The Bunsen burner is made up of the following parts:<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (i)base plate \u2013to ensure the burner can stand on its own<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (ii)Jet-a hole through which laboratory gas enters the burner<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (iii)Collar\/sleeve-adjustable circular metal attached to the main chimney\/burell with a side hole\/entry. It controls the amount of air entering used during burning.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (iv)Air hole- a hole\/entry formed when the collar side hole is in line with chimney side hole. If thecollar side hole is not<\/strong> in line withchimney side hole, the air hole is said to be \u201cclosed\u201dIf thecollar side hole is in line<\/strong> withchimney side hole, the air hole is said to be \u201copen\u201d<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (v)Chimney- tall round metallic rod attached to the base plate.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (b<\/strong>)Procedure for lighting\/igniting a Bunsen burner<\/strong><\/p>\n 5.Do not delay excessively procedure (iv) from (iii) to prevent highly \u00a0flammable laboratory gas from escaping\/leaking.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n (c<\/strong>)Bunsen burner flames<\/strong><\/p>\n A Bunsen burner produces two types of flames depending on the amount of air entering through the air holes.<\/p>\n If the air holes are fully open<\/strong>, a non luminous<\/u><\/strong> flame is produced. If the air holes are fully closed<\/strong>, a luminous flame<\/u><\/strong> is produced. If the air air holes are partially<\/strong> open\/ closed, a hybrid<\/strong> of non luminous and luminous flames is produced.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Characteristic differences between luminous and non-luminous flame<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n (i)the top yellow region where there is incomplete combustion\/burning<\/p>\n (ii)the region of unburnt gas\u00a0 below the yellow region where the gas does not burn<\/p>\n (iii)\u00a0 blue region on the sides of region of unburnt gas where there is complete burning<\/td>\n
\n(iv)glass is comparatively unreactive to many chemicals.<\/p>\n\n
\n Luminous flame<\/strong><\/td>\n Non-luminous flame<\/strong><\/p>\n \n 1.<\/strong>Produced when the air holes are fully\/completely closed<\/strong>.<\/td>\n 1.<\/strong>Produced when the air holes are fully\/completely open<\/strong>.<\/p>\n \n 2.<\/strong>when the air holes are fully\/completely closed there is incomplete<\/strong> burning\/ combustion of the laboratory gas<\/td>\n 2.<\/strong>when the air holes are fully\/completely open there is complete<\/strong> burning\/ combustion of the laboratory gas<\/p>\n \n 3.<\/strong>Incomplete burning\/ combustion of the laboratory gas produces fine unburnt carbon particles which make the flame sooty\/smoky<\/strong><\/td>\n 3.<\/strong>complete burning\/ combustion of the laboratory gas does not produce carbon particles.This make the flame non-sooty\u00a0 \/non- smoky.<\/strong><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n \n 4.<\/strong>Some carbon particlesbecome white hot and emit light.This\u00a0 flame is thus bright yellow<\/strong> in colour producing light.<\/strong>This makes luminous flame useful for lighting<\/strong><\/td>\n 4.<\/strong>Is mainly blue<\/strong> in colour and is hotter<\/strong> than luminous flame. This makes non-luminous flame useful for heating<\/strong><\/p>\n \n 5.<\/strong>Is larger<\/strong>, quiet<\/strong>\u00a0 and wavy<\/strong>\/easily swayed by wind<\/td>\n 5.<\/strong>Is smaller<\/strong>, noisy<\/strong>\u00a0 and steady<\/strong><\/p>\n \n Luminous flame has three<\/strong> main regions:<\/p>\n Non-luminous flame has