anguage structure and functions<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n
Describing words-size, shape,colour<\/td>\n
Bythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should be ableto:<\/p>\n a)Useadjectives<\/p>\n \u2018howmany\u2019and \u2018what shape\u2019to describe<\/p>\n people, things and<\/p>\n actionsin afestival.<\/td>\n | 1)Whatthings<\/p>\n can you see outside?<\/p>\n 2)What coloursare<\/p>\n they?<\/td>\n | 1. Learners group<\/p>\n objectsinterms of size,colour, shape<\/p>\n and numbers.<\/p>\n 2. Learnerdescribes objectsinthe<\/p>\n classroomusing<\/p>\n size, colourand<\/td>\n | Realia,<\/p>\n computers, pictures, photos,flash cards<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New<\/p>\n Progressive<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n \n\n\n <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | b)Appreciate the use<\/p>\n ofcolour, size, shape and number to describe nouns<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | numbers.<\/p>\n 3. Learners colour differentshapesof objectsand describe themappropriately, firstin pairsthen individually.<\/td>\n | Primary<\/p>\n English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 117-<\/p>\n 118<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n <\/td>\n | 3<\/strong><\/td>\nR<\/strong>eading<\/strong><\/td>\nC<\/strong>omprehension<\/strong><\/td>\nBythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should be ableto:<\/p>\n a)Read words with the consonantblends\/rm\/<\/p>\n \/gh\/ in preparation to reading.<\/p>\n b)Readandretellthe<\/p>\n story \u2018The music festival\u2019 toenhance oralcommunication. c)Answersimple directandindirect questions based ona textofabout200 words.<\/td>\n | 1. Whatdo you<\/p>\n thinkwill happeninthis<\/p>\n story?<\/td>\n | Learnerstalkabout<\/p>\n the picture\/title beforetheyreada<\/p>\n shortprintordigital textand make<\/p>\n predictions.<\/p>\n 2. Learners practise readingthetext<\/p>\n \u2018The musicfestival\u2019<\/p>\n and retellthestory, conversation<\/p>\n accordingtotheir<\/p>\n understanding.<\/p>\n 3. Learneranswer questions after readinga textby gettingcluesfrom the storyread.<\/p>\n 4. Learners talk abouttheirown experiencesin relationto the story.<\/td>\n | Newspaper<\/p>\n cuttings of simple stories,<\/p>\n audio-visual narrations, picture books<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 118-<\/p>\n 120<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n2<\/strong><\/td>\n1<\/strong><\/td>\nWriting<\/strong><\/td>\nG<\/strong>uided Writing<\/strong><\/td>\nBythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should<\/p>\n be able to:<\/p>\n a)Write wordsfroma prompt to<\/p>\n demonstrate mastery<\/td>\n | Howdo you<\/p>\n uselightsat home?<\/td>\n | 1. Learners are<\/p>\n guided onthefive steps ofthe<\/p>\n writingprocess:<\/p>\n planning, drafting, revising<\/p>\n editingand writing<\/td>\n | Charts,<\/p>\n pictures and photographs<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n \n\n\n <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | of<\/p>\n vocabulary\/complete sentences,<\/p>\n b) recognisethe<\/p>\n correct<\/p>\n formand meaningof the wordsto beused<\/p>\n in fillingin gaps,<\/p>\n c)re-arrange wordsto make shortphrases<\/p>\n and sentences,<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | thefinalpiece<\/p>\n 2. Learners fillingin gapscorrectlyand sensibly.<\/p>\n 3. Ingroups, learners mime a<\/p>\n situationandlet others write aboutit.<\/p>\n 4. Learners write<\/p>\n phrasesin response to a picture prompt appropriately.<\/p>\n 5. Learners write<\/p>\n meaningful sentences in pairs fromsimple substitutiontable<\/td>\n | English<\/p>\n Learners<\/p>\n Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 120-<\/p>\n 121<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n <\/td>\n | 2<\/strong><\/td>\nL<\/strong>i<\/strong>stening and<\/strong><\/p>\n Speaking<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Playtime and<\/p>\n Sports<\/td>\n L<\/strong>anguage structure and functions<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Comparatives and superlatives<\/p>\n (-erand\u2013est)<\/td>\n Bythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,the<\/p>\n learnershould be able to:<\/p>\n a)Identify<\/p>\n comparativesand superlativesthatare usedto describe people andthings duringplaytime and sports day.<\/p>\n b) formcomparatives and superlatives<\/p>\n appropriately<\/p>\n basedon the given examples<\/p>\n foreffective<\/p>\n communication;<\/td>\n | 1. Whatis the<\/p>\n size ofa football?<\/td>\n | 1. Learners put<\/p>\n objectsinto 3 groups ofdifferent<\/p>\n sizes<\/p>\n 2. Learners observe anddescribeobjects<\/p>\n accordingtosize,<\/p>\n usingpositive, comparative and<\/p>\n superlative forms<\/p>\n 3. Learners construct sentences using comparativesand superlativesto describe<\/td>\n | Computing<\/p>\n devices<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Balls of different sizes<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 123-<\/p>\n 124<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n \n\n\n <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | c)enjoyusing<\/p>\n comparativesand superlativesbiggerand biggest.<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n <\/td>\n | 3<\/strong><\/td>\nR<\/strong>eading<\/strong><\/td>\nC<\/strong>omprehension<\/strong><\/td>\nBythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should be ableto:<\/p>\n a)Read words with the<\/p>\n consonantblends\/ts\/<\/p>\n \/ps\/ inpreparationto reading.<\/p>\n b)Readandretellthe<\/p>\n story\u2018Playingtime at<\/p>\n school\u2019to enhance oral<\/p>\n communication. c)Answersimple<\/p>\n directandindirect questions based ona<\/p>\n textofabout200 words.<\/td>\n | 1. Whatdo you<\/p>\n thinkwill happeninthis<\/p>\n story?<\/td>\n | Learnerstalkabout<\/p>\n the picture\/title beforetheyreada<\/p>\n shortprintordigital<\/p>\n textand make predictions.<\/p>\n 2. Learners practise<\/p>\n readingthetext<\/p>\n \u2018The musicfestival\u2019<\/p>\n and retellthestory, conversation accordingtotheir understanding.<\/p>\n 3. Learneranswer questions after<\/p>\n readinga textby<\/p>\n gettingcluesfrom the storyread.<\/p>\n 4. Learners talk<\/p>\n abouttheirown experiencesinrelationto the story.<\/td>\n | Newspaper<\/p>\n cuttings of simple stories,<\/p>\n audio-visual narrations, picture books<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 124-<\/p>\n 125<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n3<\/strong><\/td>\n1<\/strong><\/td>\nL<\/strong>i<\/strong>stening and<\/strong><\/p>\n Speaking<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Playtime and<\/p>\n Sports<\/td>\n L<\/strong>anguage<\/strong><\/p>\n structure and functions<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Comparatives and superlatives<\/p>\n (-erand\u2013est)<\/td>\n Bythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should be ableto:<\/p>\n a)Formcomparatives<\/p>\n and superlatives appropriately<\/p>\n basedon the given examples<\/p>\n foreffective<\/p>\n communication;<\/td>\n | Which is your<\/p>\n best game?<\/td>\n | 1. Learners put<\/p>\n objectsinto 3 groups ofdifferent sizes<\/p>\n 2. Learners observe and describeobjects<\/p>\n accordingtosize, and length, using positive,<\/p>\n comparative and<\/td>\n | Realia,<\/p>\n computers, pictures, photos, flash cards<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n \n\n\n <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | b)Enjoyusing<\/p>\n comparativestallerand superlativestallestto describe people,things and places.<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | superlative forms<\/p>\n 3. Learners construct sentences using comparativesand superlativesto describe objects inside and outside the classroom, in pairs.<\/td>\n | Learners<\/p>\n Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 127-<\/p>\n 128<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n <\/td>\n | 2<\/strong><\/td>\nR<\/strong>eading<\/strong><\/td>\nC<\/strong>omprehension<\/strong><\/td>\nBythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should be ableto:<\/p>\n a)Read words with the consonantblends\/lf\/<\/p>\n \/rf\/in preparationto<\/p>\n reading.<\/p>\n b)Readandretellthe<\/p>\n story\u2018Anexciting sports day\u2019 to enhance oralcommunication.<\/p>\n c)Answersimple directandindirect questions based ona textofabout200 words.<\/td>\n | 1. Whatdo you<\/p>\n thinkwill happeninthis story?<\/td>\n | Learnerstalkabout<\/p>\n the picture\/title beforetheyreada shortprintordigital textand make predictions.<\/p>\n 2. Learners practise readingthetext \u2018An excitingsports day\u2019 and retellthestory, conversation accordingtotheir understanding.<\/p>\n 3. Learneranswer questions after readinga textby gettingcluesfrom the storyread.<\/p>\n 4. Learners talk abouttheirown experiencesin relationto the story.<\/td>\n | Newspaper<\/p>\n cuttings of simple stories,<\/p>\n audio-visual<\/p>\n narrations, picture books<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg.129-<\/p>\n 131<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n <\/td>\n | 3<\/strong><\/td>\nWriting<\/strong><\/td>\nSpelling<\/strong><\/td>\nBythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should be ableto:<\/p>\n a)spellandwrite<\/td>\n | Howdo you<\/p>\n spellthe word prize?<\/td>\n | 1. Learners write<\/p>\n shortsentencesin exercise bookor<\/p>\n computeras the<\/td>\n | Charts,<\/p>\n posters, multimedia word lists,<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio,<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n \n\n\n <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | words correctly<\/p>\n foreffective communication, b)appreciatethe importance of writingwords clearly, legibly and correctlyfor<\/p>\n differentpurposes<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | teacherdictates.<\/p>\n 2. Learners re- arrangejumbled lettersto<\/p>\n make fourto five- letterwords.<\/p>\n 3. Learners playage appropriate spelling<\/td>\n | flash cards<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 131<\/td>\n | observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n4<\/strong><\/td>\n1<\/strong><\/td>\nL<\/strong>i<\/strong>stening and<\/strong><\/p>\n Speaking<\/strong><\/td>\nP<\/strong>ronunciation<\/strong><\/p>\n and Vocabulary<\/strong><\/td>\nBythe end of the<\/p>\n sub strand, the learner should be ableto:<\/p>\n a)Pronounce words<\/p>\n withthe consonant blends \/spl\/correctly<\/p>\n and accurately.<\/p>\n b)Recognisenew words usedin the theme to acquirea range ofvocabulary. c)Pronounce the vocabularyrelatedto<\/p>\n thetheme correctlyfor effective<\/p>\n communication.<\/td>\n | 1. Howdo you<\/p>\n pronouncethe word a) splash?<\/td>\n | 1. Learners listento<\/p>\n the vocabularyused in oraland written<\/p>\n sentences anduseit<\/p>\n in theirown sentences and<\/p>\n dialogues.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n 2. Learners pronouncewords withthe consonant blends \/spl\/<\/td>\n | Pictureand<\/p>\n word cards withthe consonant blends, word wheelsand computing devicesthat are available.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 132-<\/p>\n 133<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n <\/td>\n | 2<\/strong><\/td>\nL<\/strong>i<\/strong>stening and<\/strong><\/p>\n Speaking<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Diseasesand<\/p>\n Foods we eat<\/td>\n L<\/strong>anguage structuresand<\/strong><\/p>\n f<\/strong>u<\/strong>nctions<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Conjunction<\/p>\n \u2018and\u2019<\/td>\n Bythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should<\/p>\n be able to:<\/p>\n a)use conjunction<\/p>\n \u2018and\u2019 totalkabout<\/p>\n nutritionand diseases.<\/td>\n | Whyis it<\/p>\n important to have ahealthy<\/p>\n diet?<\/td>\n | 1. Ingroups,<\/p>\n learners groupitems and talk<\/p>\n aboutthemusing<\/p>\n the conjunction<\/p>\n \u2018and\u2019asindividuals.<\/p>\n 2. Learners contrast<\/td>\n | Realia (food)<\/p>\n , picturesand photos of food,flash cards, video clips with<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n \n\n\n <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | b)enjoyusingthe<\/p>\n conjunction\u2018and\u2019to conveydifferent meanings.<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | objectsorpeople in<\/p>\n theclassroom using \u2018and\u2019in pairs\/small<\/p>\n Groups.<\/td>\n | foodtypes.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg.134<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n <\/td>\n | 3<\/strong><\/td>\nR<\/strong>eading<\/strong><\/td>\nC<\/strong>omprehension<\/strong><\/td>\nBythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should be ableto:<\/p>\n a)Read words with the<\/p>\n consonantblends\/spl\/<\/p>\n in preparationto reading.<\/p>\n b)Readandretellthe story\u2018Apainfultooth\u2019 to enhance oral<\/p>\n communication. c)Answersimple<\/p>\n directandindirect questions based ona textofabout200<\/p>\n words.<\/td>\n | 1. Whatdo you<\/p>\n thinkwill happeninthis<\/p>\n story?<\/td>\n | Learnerstalkabout<\/p>\n the picture\/title beforetheyreada<\/p>\n shortprintordigital<\/p>\n textand make predictions.<\/p>\n 2. Learners practise<\/p>\n readingthetext \u2018A painfultooth\u2019and retell the story, conversation accordingtotheir understanding.<\/p>\n 3. Learneranswer questions after<\/p>\n readinga textby gettingcluesfrom<\/p>\n the storyread.<\/p>\n 4. Learners talk abouttheirown<\/p>\n experiencesin relationto the story.<\/td>\n | Newspaper<\/p>\n cuttings of simple stories,<\/p>\n audio-visual narrations, picture books<\/p>\n <\/p>\n New Progressive Primary English Learners Book\/Grade<\/p>\n 3 pg. 135-<\/p>\n 136<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio, observation<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n | \n5<\/strong><\/td>\n1<\/strong><\/td>\nL<\/strong>i<\/strong>stening and<\/strong><\/p>\n Speaking<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Diseasesand<\/td>\n L<\/strong>anguage structuresand<\/strong><\/p>\n f<\/strong>u<\/strong>nctions<\/strong><\/td>\nBythe end of the sub<\/p>\n strand,thelearner should<\/p>\n be able to:<\/td>\n | Name two<\/p>\n vegetablesthat you know.<\/td>\n | 1. Ingroups,<\/p>\n learners groupitems and talk<\/p>\n aboutthemusing<\/td>\n | Realia (food)<\/p>\n , picturesand photos offood,flash<\/td>\n | Oral<\/p>\n questions, portfolio,<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |