{"id":22521,"date":"2024-12-13T07:03:28","date_gmt":"2024-12-13T04:03:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/?p=22521"},"modified":"2023-07-28T06:07:00","modified_gmt":"2023-07-28T03:07:00","slug":"advertised-bom-teaching-vacancies-for-2021","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/advertised-bom-teaching-vacancies-for-2021\/","title":{"rendered":"Advertised BOM teaching vacancies for 2021"},"content":{"rendered":"

Are you searching for all the advertised BOM teaching vacancies? Well. Get a list of all the available teaching vacancies; including the schools and contacts. Some of the vacancies are for TSC employment.<\/a><\/p>\n

ADVERTISED BOM TEACHING VACANCIES.<\/span><\/strong><\/h2>\n

Read through the list of available BOM vacancies below;<\/p>\n

[embeddoc url=”https:\/\/educationnewshub.co.ke\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/12\/AVAILABLE-TEACHING-VACANCIES.pdf”]<\/p>\n

MORE OPEN TEACHING VACANCIES<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n
  • Mirira secondary<\/strong> in muranga county requires bus\/ geo teacher under BOM terms. Helpline: +254724994692<\/li>\n
  • Mungaria Secondary<\/strong> urgently requires a Home Science teacher on BOM terms.Kindly refer one if you have an idea to 0722607974.Thanks<\/li>\n
  • St. Regina Nairutia secondary<\/strong> in Kieni West, Nyeri County urgently requires teachers on BOM terms in following areas. Chem\/bio, English\/CRE to start teaching in Jan 2021. Applicants must be TSC registered. Contact 0722452892<\/li>\n
  • PROPOI GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL(West Pokot County<\/strong>) Invites Applications to fill the following Teaching Vacancies on B.O.M Terms effective January,2021: GEO\/MATHS-1 and BIO\/CHEM-1.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

    Must be registered by TSC and at least two years experience in handling Candidates class.
    \nDrop your application in school or email to propoigirls@gmail.com
    \nFor any Inquiry Contact : 0710509897\/0741111387
    \nDeadline: 22\/12\/2020<\/p>\n

    • Karima boys<\/strong> requires math\/ chem teacher on B.O.M terms. Interview 22nd DEC. TSC NO is a must Call 0708260763<\/li>\n
      \nApplications are hereby invited at St. BONAVENTURE KAHETI BOYS High School<\/strong> – Mukurwe-ini Subcounty (Nyeri County) for teachers with the following Combinations;
      \n1. Eng\/Literature
      \n2. Eng\/Comp or Comp\/…
      \n3. Bst\/Maths and
      \n4. Agr\/Biology
      \nApplicants are required to drop or send their applications, by post (P.o Box 146 – 10103 Mukurweini) or via email (kahetihigh2010@gmail.com).
      \nThe applicants must be TSC registered.
      \nFor more information call the secretary (0722412345)<\/li>\n
    • Kanthuni Secondary School<\/strong> is seeking to recruit professional teacher under B.O.M terms with the following combination: Bussines \/maths or business with any other combination.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

      For the interested individuals-
      \nPlease reach the principal through,

      • From January, two teachers required at Ntumbara secondary school<\/strong> under BOM terms,tsc registered
        \n1. Biology\/ chemistry
        \n2. Maths\/ business
        \nContact principal 0724226030<\/li>\n
      • Sigalame high school-Busia<\/strong>
        \nThe school needs the following combination before next week.
        \n1. Math\/physics -2
        \n2. Math\/comp -1
        \n3. Comp\/bst…..1
        \n4.Geog\/kis …..1
        \n5.bio\/chem ….2
        \n6.Drawing and Design\/……….1<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

        Payment 18k, call 0725074139<\/p>\n

        • St.joseph junior seminary-molo<\/strong>
          \nUrgently in need of kisw\/cre teacher in January.
          \nSalary is 19k . MUST be a catholic ,tsc compliant ,a graduate from recognized institution Contact school admin on
          \n0706 128200.Thank you.<\/li>\n
        • PROPOI GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL(West Pokot County)<\/strong> Invites Applications to fill the following Teaching Vacancies on B.O.M Terms effective January,2021:
          \nMust be registered by TSC and at least two years experience in handling Candidates class.
          \nDrop your application in school or email to propoigirls@gmail.com
          \nFor any Inquiry Contact : 0710509897\/0741111387
          \nDeadline: 22\/12\/2020<\/li>\n
        • Kiundwani secondary<\/strong> in Kibwezi subcounty requires TSC registered teachers for the following subject;
          \n1.Maths\/ physics
          \n2.Kisw\/ Geo
          \nContact principal on 0712296335<\/li>\n
        • Ikime secondary school<\/strong> in Kyuso sub county wish to recruit teachers of the following subject combinations.
          \n1. Maths\/Chemistry or B\/studies
          \n2. Bio\/Chem or Bio\/Agric
          \nScan and sent your application letter and certificates to the Secretary BoM (0723439889) on or before 28\/12\/2020. Be TSC registered on registration on progress.<\/li>\n
        • The following subject combinations are urgently required at Huruma Mixed day secondary school<\/strong> under BOM terms
          \nIRE\/ Kisw
          \nFor more information kindly contact 0712720061<\/li>\n
        • St.charles Lwanga mixed secondary school<\/strong> mwanyani in mbeere south sub county requires maths\/phy teacher on BOM terms.If qualified call 0728882493 or apply to the school directly.<\/li>\n
        • AIC NYAYO GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL<\/strong> in Kalama sub county- Machakos County wishes to announce the following teaching vacancies for immediate BOM employment.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


          \n1.Must have graduated.
          \n2. Must have original transcripts and certificates.
          \n2.Have TSC No.<\/p>\n

          Deadline for applicant submission is on 31st Dec 2020. Applications to be dropped in school or sent via school email:

          Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for Interviews on 6th Jan. 2021<\/p>\n

          • ELIMONYA SECONDARY<\/strong> in Kisii county on your way to Mogonga seeks to recruit the following teachers next year;
            \n2 Business\/Geography
            \nThe payment is ksh.10,000 please contact Mr. Elijah Ombiro(director) 0721 552530..Thank you.<\/li>\n
          • Bongo Girls High School<\/strong> in Kinangop subcounty Nyandarua County requires the following teachers on BOM Terms.
            \n1. Agriculture\/Biology.
            \n2. Business\/ Geography.
            \n3. English\/Literature.
            \nRegistered teachers to bring their applications by 23\/12\/2020 or send through email: bongogirlssecondary@gmail.com.
            \nPrincipal Bongo Girls.<\/li>\n
          • Mwereni Secondary school(Kwale county)<\/strong> requires a Maths\/Chem teacher on Bom terms to start working on January 2021. The monthly gross pay is Ksh. 20,000. Tsc number is a compulsory requirements.
            \nIf interested, kindly contact the principal via 0722454530.<\/li>\n
          • Kanorero secondary school<\/strong> requires the following combinations on BOM terms.
            \n1. Geo\/Business
            \n2. Kiswahili\/History
            \n3. English\/literature
            \nApplications to reach the school on or before 29th December 2020<\/li>\n
          • Alfajiri secondary school<\/strong> in Nairobi has the following vaccancie
            \n2.Geographic \/business
            \n3.History and any other subject
            \ninterested person must be TSC compliance.
            \nCall +254 718 938477
            \n0741656821 for more information<\/li>\n
          • BUNYORE GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL<\/strong>
            \nBunyore Girls High School<\/strong> is looking for TSC registered teachers to be employed under the Board of Management (BOM). The applicants should have BIOLOGY\/ CHEMISTRY combination.
            \nThe applications should reach the Secretary to the BOM by 30th December 2020.
            \nAnybody in Vihiga county:<\/li>\n
          • St Mark Orthodox Secondary School-Chavogere,<\/strong> in Sabatia sub-county needs a teacher of Phy\/any, Bio\/any and Kisw\/any to teach in BoM terms.<\/li>\n
          • Consolata Girls kevote Embu<\/strong> has the following vacancies ..Bs\/ maths, chem \/phy , History\/CRE. For more information call 0702489008- Deputy principal.<\/li>\n
          • Lab assistant required at Nalepo Taegong girls secondary in kajiado central<\/strong>. Contact 0733854397<\/li>\n
          • Muragari Secondary in Embu county<\/strong> has a Mathematics\/ Business studies vacancy.. If interested, contact the principal through 0723784350<\/li>\n
          • St. Michael Gatagati Secondary School<\/strong> has the following BOM teacher vacancies in Jan,2021;
            \nMust be TSC registered.
            \nCall +254 724 507945<\/li>\n
          • \u00a0Christ The King Kirwara High<\/strong> advertises the following teaching vacancies:
            \n4.Maths\/Bstudies(2 slots)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
            \n1.Bachelor of Education or Diploma in Education
            \n2.Registered with TSC
            \nDrop the application in the office by 30th December, 2020.<\/h6>\n
            • Mwachi Secondary School<\/strong> wishes to hire registered teachers for the following subjects on B.O.M terms:-
              \n1. Maths\/ Business studies or Geog\/ Business studies.
              \n2. Hist\/CRE
              \n3. English\/Lit (2 slots)
              \n4. Kiswa\/ CRE
              \n5. Biology\/
              \nIf interested contact 0722269080.<\/li>\n
            • Muguru Boys<\/strong> need Home science teacher. Should be Tsc registered. Call 0720980188.<\/li>\n
            • PONDO Secondary School<\/strong> in NYAHURURU requires Kiswahili\/History and Bio\/Agric teachers on BOM terms. Must be TSC Registered.
              \nContact the Principal on 0723954414.<\/li>\n
            • Kangui secondary school<\/strong> requires a TSC registered Kiswahili\/Geography teacher for BOM employment.Please refer.Contact 0722287351.<\/li>\n
            • Rwathia mixed secondary school<\/strong> requires Cre\/Eng teacher on Bom terms. Must be registered by tsc. call 0723749723<\/li>\n
            • Gatunyu secondary school<\/strong> is in need of a Bio\/Math Tsc compliant teacher for BOM employment.Contact 0722507752<\/li>\n
            • Mua Hills Girls school<\/strong> in Machakos sub-couny is in need of the following teachers for employment on BOM terms and who must be TSC registered -:
              \n1: BIO\/ CHEM
              \n2: CHEM\/ MATHS
              \n3: ENG\/ LIT
              \nThe applications addressed to the secretary BOM should reach the school by 31 Dec 2020.<\/li>\n
              \nWe urgently need a Chem\/Biology teacher under attractive Bom terms to start teaching on 4\/01\/2021.
              \nContact: 0724955927<\/li>\n
            • Salient High school<\/strong> is advertising a teaching post for Bst\/Hist or BST\/CRE on BOM terms. Applicants must be tsc registered. Application deadline 31\/12\/20:
              \nContact: 0791228409<\/li>\n
            • ALSUHAIM GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL<\/strong> in Namanga needs IRE\/ARABIC teacher. Interviews to be conducted 29\/12 \/2020 from 8:00am. Contact 0722774450\/0708780369<\/li>\n
            • Huruma mixed day secondary<\/strong> has a TSC intern vacancy for Hist\/CRE . Interested candidates to apply to the Secretary BOM , Box 13-70104 Bura\/Tana. Letters to reach the school before 6th Jan 2021.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


              • Mororo Mixed Day<\/strong> has a Tsc intern vacancy for Geog\/Agric.Interested candidates can apply to the Secretary BOM by 6th January. P.O.Box 1237-70100, GARISSA<\/li>\n
              • Nanighi Tana Mixed Secondary<\/strong> has a TSC intern vacancy for ARABIC\/IRE . Interested candidates to apply immediately to: The Secretary BOM NANIGHI TANA SEC SCHOOL.Box 15 Bura, Tana.<\/li>\n
              • Maumau memorial girls<\/strong> has a Tsc intern vacancy for hist\/geo . Interested candidates can apply to the BOM secretary by 6th January.Box 83 Hola.<\/li>\n
              • Ngao Girls Secondary School<\/strong> has aTSC intern vacancy for Biology\/Agriculture. Interested applicants are advised to apply to: The Secretary BOM Ngao Girls Box 12-Garsen or ngaogirls@gmail.com to reach the school immediately.<\/li>\n
              • <\/li>\n
              • Tarasaa high school<\/strong> has a TSC intern vacancy for AGRIC\/HIST. Those interested to apply immediately through the secretary Bom,Box 118-80201 Garsen
                \nor email tarasaahigh@yahoo.com<\/li>\n
              • Garsen high school<\/strong> has Tsc Intern vacancy for Maths\/ Bss.
                \nInterested applicants are advised to apply directly to: The Secretary BOM
                \nTo reach the school immediately .<\/li>\n
              • Oda Secondary School<\/strong> has a TSC intern vacancy for Biology\/Agriculture. Interested applicants are advised to apply immediately to:
                \nThe Secretary BOM
                \nOda Sec school
                \nP.O Box 77-80201
                \nEmail: odasecondary@gmail.com
                \nContact: 0721804993<\/li>\n
              • Patte Girls Secondary School<\/strong> has a vacancy for TSC intern teacher Chem\/Maths.Applicants must be TSC registered.Applications should be received by 31st December 2020 and addressed to :
                \nThe B O M secretary,
                \nPatte Girls Secondary School,
                \nPo box 20_80501,
                \nFAZA. You can also send your application through pattegirls2019@yahoo.com
                \nContact 0713459509<\/li>\n
              • Vacancy…!
                \nEnglish \/CRE
                \nBOM Terms
                \nContact 0712350860
                \nNgano secondary Nyandarua county<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

                Are you searching for all the advertised BOM teaching vacancies? Well. Get a list of all the available teaching vacancies; including the schools and contacts. Some of the vacancies are for TSC employment. ADVERTISED BOM TEACHING VACANCIES. Read through the list of available BOM vacancies below; [embeddoc url=”https:\/\/educationnewshub.co.ke\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/12\/AVAILABLE-TEACHING-VACANCIES.pdf”] MORE OPEN TEACHING VACANCIES Mirira secondary in […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":18389,"featured_media":110,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"tdm_status":"","tdm_grid_status":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[11],"tags":[5934,6129,127,7287,6158,6235,6143,1722],"class_list":["post-22521","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-tsc-kenya-news-portal","tag-available-teaching-opportunities","tag-latest-tsc-news-2021","tag-teaching-jobs","tag-tsc-breaking-news-on-promotions-2021","tag-tsc-list-of-promoted-teachers-2021","tag-tsc-news-today-2021","tag-tsc-payslips-2021","tag-tsc-vacancies"],"amp_enabled":true,"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/22521","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/18389"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=22521"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/22521\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/110"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=22521"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=22521"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsblaze.co.ke\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=22521"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}