Home KNEC News Teremi High School KCSE 2020 Results, Location and Alumni

Teremi High School KCSE 2020 Results, Location and Alumni

TEREMI HIGH SCHOOL KCSE 2020/2021 RESULTS ANALYSIS (SCHOOL MEAN, INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATES’ RESULTS AND MEAN GRADE SUMMARY)- Teremi High school has been posting impressive performances in KCSE over the years and 2020 is no exception. In the 2020 KCSE examinations the school posted a mean score of 7.09; which is a C+ (plus).


Looking for KCSE 2020/2021 results for all schools and candidates? Visit this portal; KCSE RESULTS PORTAL.

The school registered a total of 527 candidates in the KCSE 2020 exam. In the just released KCSE 2020 results, the school posted an impressive mean score of 7.09; which is a C+ (plus) . The good news is that 312 candidates managed to score above C+ (plus), which is the minimum university entry grade. This translates to a percentage of 59.54% securing direct entry to university under the placement body, KUCCPS.

Download KCSE 2020/2021 results for this school here; Official Knec KCSE Results Portal

Here is a complete distribution of grades for the school in KCSE 2020 results;

Grade Entry

All KCSE results are available here; KCSE 2019, 2020-2021 Results analysis and ranking for all schools and candidates.

Related news; How to get the KCSE 2020/2021 results via Knec SMS Code and online portal


Read more details here; KCSE 2019 list of top 200 schools nationally; Full list.

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Top 100 schools in KCSE 2020 (Official list)

KCSE 2020 results analysis and ranking for all schools

KCSE 2020-2021 top 100 schools and Candidates

KCSE 2021 top 100 schools (Official list)

Teremi School Alumni Want Students’ Welfare Improved

Friends School, Teremi Boy’s High School in Kabuchai Constituency, Bungoma County old boys have expressed concern at the dilapidated infrastructure in the school.

Led by Eng. Boniface Munyole, the alumni are demanding that students’ welfare in their once prestigious school be improved to boost morale and enhance the school’s performance in national examinations.

According to them, the Friends Church sponsored learning institution’s image is shameful, considering that the school is ranked as an Extra-County School.

Speaking to the press, Eng. Munyole who sat for his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination in 1989, said the school needs urgent improvement of existing infrastructure to offer a conducive environment for learners.

He asked the School Management to involve old boys directly in efforts to develop the school infrastructure.

Manyole said despite the fact that Teremi Boys is an academic giant in Western Kenya, the gate alone which should act as a mirror gives the school a bad image.

The School has a population of over 2,000 boys, sharing very old and limited facilities. He called on all old boys to join the Old Boys Association and support the school.

“If we can come together as a team to support our old school, the school will automatically post better results in subsequent exams,” he said.

He said Bungoma Senator, Moses Wetang’ula, who is an old boy at the school has registered as a member.

Manyole said the other objective of the Association is to network and find placement for students after school.

“We help students get good colleges, universities and TVET institutions,” he said. In the 2020 KCSE exam, 527 students who registered and sat the exam and obtained a mean score of 7.08.

He appealed to the community around the school, Board of Management (BOM), teachers, non-teaching staff and education stakeholders to continue supporting the school.

He thanked the Friends Church ‘Quakers’ for laying a good Christian foundation in the school which has greatly motivated the boys. Munyole said that this year’s mean target is 9.0.

He said that the old boy’s Association is already planning for a funds drive that will involve all Alumni to raise funds to facilitate the construction of a modern school gate.

He said a recent audit done by the Ministry of Education ranked Teremi Boys High School as having poor infrastructure compared to other schools.

He said the playing grounds in the school are poorly drained, asking for the government’s intervention.

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